These tales will send shivers down your spine-The Most horrifying Punishments from HistoryHere is a collection of the most heinous and horrible executions, as well as the severe punishments imposed out in mythology.Sep 30, 20211Sep 30, 20211
Coronavirus (COVID-19) common Symptoms: What Do I Do If I Feel Sick?Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an illness caused by a novel coronavirus now called severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2…Jan 4, 20211Jan 4, 20211
Growing PUBG Addiction,is it harmful for youth ?The entire world is passing through a deadly pandemic that has brought human life almost to a Stand still.People are confined to their…Jan 4, 20211Jan 4, 20211
“Iranian teenager-Sahar Tabar has been released from prison after sentenced for 10 years in jail”Sabar’s Arrest BackgroundJan 3, 2021Jan 3, 2021
Every suicide story has a killer.Nadia Ashraf Suicide Mystery-Harassed by professor,troubled PhD student and Sever depression.Aug 21, 2020Aug 21, 2020