These tales will send shivers down your spine-Most Horrifying Punishments From History

Aleena Khan
4 min readSep 30, 2021


Here is a collection of the most heinous and horrible executions, as well as the severe punishments imposed out in mythology.

1-The death/Execution Van

1The death/Execution Van

According to estimates, China leads the world in enforcing the death penalty for crimes committed, with people facing the death penalty even for stealing taxes. China was the originator of the death van concept. Though it appeared to be a standard emergency van seen in hospitals, there was a professional setup inside this van. So the convict who was going to be punished was strapped to a stretcher and injected with a poisonous substance. Dozens of these vans were seen driving about randomly on the roadways.

2-The punishment of the sack

The punishment of the sack
The punishment of the sack

In ancient Greece, a person found guilty of parricide (killing one’s father or, less commonly, one’s mother or another close relative) faced a distinct sort of punishment under Roman law. T he prisoner was stitched up in a leather sack with an assortment of live animals, including a dog, a snake, a monkey, and a chicken or rooster. Following that, he was thrown into the sea. These animals attacked and wounded the person when they were terrified. They all eventually were dragged to their deaths.

3-Death by thousands of cuts

Death by thousands of cuts

Because a person had to go through extreme agony and anguish, death by thousands of cuts is also known as lingering death or slow slicing. It was used in China, Vietnam, and Korea. For several days, a knife was used to create cuts or remove a section of a person’s body, ultimately leading to death. It was forbidden in China in 1905 as a result of too much outrage from human advocates.

4-Cement shoes

Cement shoes

The death penalty, whether in the form of cement shoes or concrete shoes, is still in use today. In America, this bizarre penalty is linked with mafia or gang rivals. It entails tying a person’s feet and then placing them in a bucket or a box filled with wet concrete. When the concrete has set and hardened.

Peter Martin

The victim, who may be dead or alive, was tossed into the water in the hopes that his or her body would never be found. Only one real-life case of Peter Martin has been discovered and officially reported in 2016.

5-Water in mouth torture

Water in mouth torture

It was a torturous procedure in which the victim’s mouth was stretched or forced open, the nose was pinched shut, and a funnel or a strip of cloth was shoved down the throat. The chest and stomach fill up to a near-bursting point and swell after pouring litres of water in a short period. To add to the pain, the water was sometimes heated. This practice was repeated several times during the day, causing stomach distension, water intoxication, and possibly death.

6- Saw torture

Saw torture

The victim was hung upside down so that blood flows to their heads, keeping them alive during the agonizing procedure. After then, the torturer would hack the victim’s body in half. To make the pain last longer, most people were merely sheared up to their stomach.



Aleena Khan
Aleena Khan

Written by Aleena Khan

Software Engineer I Microsoft Expert I MIE Certified I I’m here to entertain you :) I ( I (

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